Qsys System Integration Tool Design & Optimizations
Course Objectives
This course will teach you how to quickly build designs for Intel FPGAs using Intel´s Qsys system-level integration tool.
You will become proficient with Qsys and expand your knowledge of the Quartus Prime FPGA design software.
You will learn how to quickly integrate IP and custom logic into a system.
Since Qsys makes design reuse easy through standard interfaces, we will examine the Intel Avalon-Memory Mapped and Streaming Interfaces as well as introduce the AMBA AXI interface standard from ARM.
The class provides a significant hands-on component, where you will gain exposure to tool usage as well as system and custom HDL component design.
You will become proficient with Qsys and expand your knowledge of the Quartus Prime FPGA design software.
You will learn how to quickly integrate IP and custom logic into a system.
Since Qsys makes design reuse easy through standard interfaces, we will examine the Intel Avalon-Memory Mapped and Streaming Interfaces as well as introduce the AMBA AXI interface standard from ARM.
The class provides a significant hands-on component, where you will gain exposure to tool usage as well as system and custom HDL component design.
General Information

- Intel FPGAs architecture
- Quartus Prime software
- ModelSim
- VHDL/Verilog

Duration & Attendance
3 days

Target Audience
FPGA engineers who would like to use Qsys to build simple & complex systems on chip
Additional Information

Teaching Methods & Tools
- Simulator: Modelsim
- Synthesizer and Place & Route: Quartus Prime
- Course book (including labs)
- Terasic C5G Cyclone® V GX Starter Kit

Evaluation & Certification
Certification is provided to each attendee